Aims and Introductions
After gathering information from my questionnaire (based on
target audience) I gained a greater understanding of what people, aged between
14-18, want from the music magazine I am designing. Twelve out of the twenty
people that answered my questionnaire were male; this does make it slightly
biased. However it will not be too biased, which is a good thing because it
means my questionnaire will be accurate for the majority.
The age group I have chosen does however mean the magazine
will have to be reasonably cheap and affordable. The people that answered my questionnaire
said they would be willing to pay between one and two pounds. I think this is a
reasonable price for a magazine.
I looked at lots of different magazines to help me come up
with a design for my magazine. I looked at different genres as I thought this
would allow me to get a wide range of ideas; I looked at magazine such as Top
of the Pops, Kerrang, NME and Rolling Stones. These magazines all use different
colour schemes as well as using different layouts. This research gave me a wide
range of possibilities to explore when creating my own magazine. The one I found
most useful had to be Top of the Pops as it was relevant to my genre and my
target audience. My magazine is also like Top of the Pops as it focuses on Chart
music and the bigger names in the music industry. This means my cover lines will be related to
the charts and other big Pop artists. My main cover line is going to be about
an artist’s raise to fame.
On my front cover I want to have a large central image of
the artist in my main cover line. They will be standing in front of a white
background. On the contents page I want to have a picture of a party or a gig,
as I think this will be relevant and exciting. I will be using a photo of
either a single male or a group of males as I am unsure if I want to focus on a
single artist or an entire band. I want the model to be wearing popular and
stylish clothes, such as chinos as these are very common among Pop artists. I
want the white background for the photo on the front cover as this makes the
image very pure it also means the colours will contrast and stand out.
My Front cover is going to be laid out in a quite an
organised busy layout as I am going to have text surrounding the image but I am
also going to have the cover lines in two neat columns, so although the page
will be busy it will be laid out professionally. I think this will really
appeal to my teenage audience as there is a lot to look at whilst still
remaining mature.
My Contents page will be of a similar layout however, the
text is going to be above and to the right of the image. This is because the
image of the party/gig will not be central. I chose to do this because I wanted
the contents page to have a different layout from the front cover, whilst still
showing similarities.
My double page spread will have an entire page taken up by
an image of the artist/band, with quotes from the artist/band scattered over
the picture at random points. The other page will have questions and responses;
I want this to be laid out in the formal and professional way of two columns running
down the page. I am considering including some small image in the very centre
of the page to break the text up a bit and make it look less heavy. This will
be more fitting for the target audience.
I have chosen the title ‘Speed of Sound’ for my magazine as I
thought including the word sound has a clear link to music. I also thought that
the use of the word sound shows that the magazine quickly informs you about the
latest music news.